How to Set Up WooCommerce Google Analytics

How to Set Up WooCommerce Google Analytics (2024)

Are you looking for a quick and simple way to set up WooCommerce Google Analytics?

By adding Google Analytics to WooCommerce, you can track the performance of your online store and get the insights you need to grow your business. Adding eCommerce tracking to WooCommerce will give you insights about which products sell the most, how much revenue you’re making, where your customers are coming from, what paths they’re taking to convert, and lots more.

In this article, we’ll show you how to set up WooCommerce Google Analytics the easy way.

Table of Contents

  1. Walkthrough Video
  2. Why Do You Need Google Analytics on WooCommerce?
  3. How to Add Google Analytics to WooCommerce
  4. How to View WooCommerce Google Analytics Reports in WordPress
  5. How to See eCommerce Reports in Google Analytics 4

WooCommerce Google Analytics Walkthrough Video

MonsterInsights is the best WordPress Analytics plugin. Get it for free!

Why Do You Need Google Analytics on WooCommerce?

Why is Google Analytics important for your WooCommerce store?

If you want to plan campaigns and make the right business decisions to grow your revenue, you need eCommerce analytics.

Without any eCommerce store data, you’ll be guessing what your audience likes, which could be risky for your website. You could invest in advertising for the wrong product or put your efforts into promoting deals that your customers might not love.

So, to avoid these issues and make the most use of your resources and time, it’s a good idea to set up Google Analytics tracking for WooCommerce.

Here are some of the insights you can get by setting up WooCommerce analytics:

  • Top Performing Products – Get to know which products generate the most sales and revenue so you can promote them more
  • Reduce Abandoned Carts – By tracking abandoned carts, you can plug the gaps in your WooCommerce store and boost conversions
  • Measure Campaign Performance – You can track each marketing campaign in Google Analytics to see which ones are performing the best to save money on running only the campaigns that perform well
  • Identify Top Referral Traffic Sources – Find out which websites send the most converting traffic to your website so you can create a personalized experience for those users or perhaps team up with the referral website in some marketing campaigns
  • Measure SEO Performance – Track which pages users are finding via organic search to understand your SEO performance. Then, use data to optimize your WooCommerce site for better SEO.
  • User Journey Tracking – Want to know what paths your users are taking through your site to make it to a conversion? Use user journey tracking to see the paths they’re taking through your website before they complete a purchase.
  • Even More Event Tracking – By using MonsterInsights to set up WooCommerce analytics, you get even more event tracking functionality beyond eCommerce metrics. Track form submit button clicks, file downloads, video plays, and much more.

How to Add Google Analytics to WooCommerce

  1. Install and Activate MonsterInsights
  2. Install the eCommerce Addon
  3. Install the User Journey Addon

There are several ways you can track your WooCommerce store in Google Analytics, but the easiest method is by using MonsterInsights.

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It allows you to easily connect your WooCommerce site with Google Analytics so you can view all the data that matters most right in your WordPress dashboard.

MonsterInsights Home Dashboard

Plus, with the click of a button, you can set up sophisticated tracking features such as event tracking, eCommerce tracking, form tracking, custom dimension tracking, outbound link tracking, and more.

MonsterInsights seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, and you can set up tracking with just a few clicks. You don’t have to edit any code, install your tracking code, learn Google Tag Manager, or hire a Google Analytics pro.

Just connect MonsterInsights to Google Analytics, and we’ll install your tracking code snippet for you automatically.

To get started, just follow these steps.

Step 1: Install and Activate MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights is the best WordPress plugin for Google Analytics. It offers loads of features and detailed reports inside your WordPress dashboard, so you can get the metrics that matter for your business.

The plugin makes it very simple to connect Google Analytics to your WordPress website without any coding or manually installing your tracking ID.

Besides that, you can easily set up advanced tracking, like eCommerce tracking, which is not available by default in Analytics. MonsterInsights is hands down the easiest way to set up your WooCommerce Google Analytics integration.

MonsterInsights Home Dashboard

To set up tracking for your WooCommerce store, grab MonsterInsights at the Pro level or above.

Once you’re set up with the Pro version of MonsterInsights, log in and go to your account area.

Then, navigate to the Downloads tab and click Download MonsterInsights.

Download MonsterInsights Plugin

Now, go to your WordPress site’s admin and upload the plugin. You can do that by going to Plugins » Add New » Upload Plugin.

Next, click on Choose File and select the MonsterInsights ZIP file. Click Install Now.

Upload MonsterInsights Plugin WordPress

Once the plugin installs, click Activate Plugin.

To configure MonsterInsights and connect to your Google Analytics account, you’ll need to verify your license key in the plugin. You can find the key in your account area in the Downloads tab. Simply copy the license key.

If you’ve gone through the MonsterInsights setup wizard without adding your license key, you can always find it in plugin settings under Settings » General.

Verify MonsterInsights license

For a complete tutorial on setting up MonsterInsights, check out How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress the Right Way.

Step 2: Install the MonsterInsights eCommerce Addon

Now that MonsterInsights is ready to use on your website, the next thing to do is install and activate the eCommerce addon.

The addon automatically integrates with WooCommerce to track all of your sales and overall website performance.

You can install the addon by going to Insights » Addons. In the eCommerce box, click Download & Activate.

MonsterInsights - Install and activate the eCommerce addon

That’s it! You’ve set up WooCommerce analytics in a few simple clicks.

You’ll see that MonsterInsights automatically detects and connects with WooCommerce in the eCommerce settings tab:

MonsterInsights WooCommerce Tracking

Keep reading to find out how to take advantage of the User Journey reports, plus how to find your WooCommerce analytics reports in WordPress.

Step 3: Install the User Journey Addon (Optional)

If you’re using the eCommerce addon, we highly recommend installing the user journey addon also.

With the addon, you can easily see trends in shopping and user behavior, see at a glance how many sales you’ve made recently, which campaigns are driving the most sales, and more.

MonsterInsights User Journey Report

Plus, you can click into single user journeys to see the exact steps the user took:

User Journey by MonsterInsights - Customer Journey Analytics

Find the addon by going to Insights » Addons in your WordPress dashboard and clicking Install.

MonsterInsights User Journey Addon - Install

That’s it! You’ve enabled user journey reporting.

Make sure to check out the rest of the MonsterInsights addons while you’re there like our forms tracking addon, GDPR (EU compliance) addon, Ads addon, and more. MonsterInsights has many tracking options!

View WooCommerce Google Analytics Reports in WordPress

The best thing about using MonsterInsights is that you can view how your WooCommerce store is doing without leaving your WordPress dashboard.

MonsterInsights is the best WooCommerce analytics plugin because it brings some of the most important reports from Google Analytics and displays them on your website, so you don’t have to go anywhere. This is especially helpful if you’re a beginner and don’t know how to view different GA4 reports or find the data that matters.

To view stats about your online store, go to Insights » Reports » eCommerce » Overview.

MonsterInsights eCommerce Report - GA4

Your new Analytics dashboard shows you your site’s conversion rate, transactions, revenue, and average order value for the date range selected.

It can also show a comparison between the last time period (for instance vs. Previous 30 Days), so you know if your store’s performance improved.

If you scroll down, the next report you’ll see is of Top Products. These are the best-selling items on your WooCommerce store. For each product, you can view its quantity sold, percentage of sales, and total revenue.


MonsterInsights also shows your Top Conversion Sources. These are websites that some of your buyers were referred from. You can see how many people came to your site from each source, their overall percentage of visits, and the revenue they generated.


The last reports you’ll see are of Total Add to Carts, Total Removed from Cart, New Customers, and Abandoned Checkouts. These eCommerce events help you understand your customers’ shopping and checkout behavior.

MonsterInsights eCommerce Metrics

Next, check out the Funnel report under eCommerce » Funnel:

MonsterInsights eCommerce Funnel Report

In this report, you can see the abandonment rate of your purchase funnel. How many users moved from viewing items to adding them to their carts to purchasing those items? If you’re seeing a ton of abandoned carts, that’s worth looking into.

Do you use coupon codes in your WooCommerce store? If so, check out the eCommerce » Coupons report to see which coupon codes were used the most often:

MonsterInsights Coupons Report

Of course, you’ll also get all of the other reports in MonsterInsights that aren’t in the eCommerce tab, such as:

  • Pageviews and landing page details
  • Form tracking report
  • Campaigns report
  • Media report
  • Source/medium
  • Landing page details
  • And much more

For a full tour of MonsterInsights dashboard reports, check out Your Ultimate Guide to MonsterInsights Dashboard Reports.

How to See eCommerce Reports in Google Analytics 4

To view your eCommerce overview report in Google Analytics, navigate to Monetization » Overview. Here you can see your revenue trend by day, purchases by day, purchases by item name, purchases by item list, and more.

Monetization Overview

To view Google Analytics eCommerce sales (purchases) and revenue data organized by channel, navigate to Acquisition » Traffic acquisition:

Traffic acquisition report in GA4

Then, scroll to the right in the table to find Conversions and Total Revenue. Click the All Events drop-down arrow under Conversions and select Purchase:

Purchase Events by Channel Report in GA4

Now, the table shows total purchases and revenue by traffic channel.

Purchases and Revenue by Channel in GA4

You can now easily track the performance of your WooCommerce store in Google Analytics. Using the data, you’ll know which products to promote more, how to create personalized marketing campaigns, and better understand your customers.

We hope that you liked our guide on how to set up WooCommerce Google Analytics the right way.

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Not using MonsterInsights yet? What are you waiting for?

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for more helpful Google Analytics tips and tutorials.

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