30 Marketing Hacks Guaranteed to Grow Your Traffic

32 Marketing Hacks Guaranteed to Grow Your Traffic

Do you want to know how to drive traffic to your website? Are you struggling to attract more visitors? Then don’t worry, we’ve handpicked a ton of amazing marketing hacks that will help you increase your web traffic in no time.

By using these marketing hacks, you can boost user engagement, convert visitors into leads, build your brand, get more email subscribers, and much more.

Since this is a long article with a ton of high-value tips, we’ve organized them into categories for you. You can click the category to skip ahead to the section you’re interested in:

Ready? Let’s jump right in and get started growing your traffic…

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Blog Post Idea Hacks: Identify High-Traffic Topics

To truly get massive website traffic, your content strategy needs to be tailored to your audience. When you create exactly the content they’re looking for, you’ll attract more and more people to your website.

But how do you know exactly what kind of content your audience wants?

Here are a few smart marketing hacks to get you started.

1. Laser-Target Your Visitors’ Interests

One smart way to increase your website traffic is by identifying the interests of your visitors and then tailoring your content to those interests.

How do you find out your readers’ interests? The easiest way is with Demographics and Interests reports. Here’s how to collect visitor demographics on your WordPress site.

If you’re using MonsterInsights, you can easily view the report by clicking on Insights from your WordPress dashboard and then going to Reports. From the top menu, click Publishers and scroll down to view the interests of your audience.

learn about your audience interests

Using the report, you can get an idea of what people are interested in your website. You can then create and promote content that matches the interests of your visitors.

For example, in the screenshot above, you can see that site visitors are interested in video content. A smart marketing hack would be to create video content to add to your site. Here are some video marketing tips to get you started.

To identify more of what your visitors are interested in, you can also look at which are the most popular categories and tags on your site. This can be tricky to set up manually (you have to use code), but with MonsterInsights you can set up WordPress category and tag tracking in just a few clicks.

Once you know which categories and tags are most popular, you can focus on creating content that works.

2. Find Top Landing Pages and Popular Post Type to Create Similar Content

Another easy hack for increasing your website traffic is by creating content similar to what’s already working. And the best way to find out which type of content gets the most traffic is by looking at your top landing pages and popular post types.

To find the best performing landing pages on your website, you can go to the Publishers report in MonsterInsights.

You can access the report by going to Insights and then clicking on Reports. From the top menu, select Publishers and the first report will be of top landing pages.

see top landing pages in wordpress

Using the report, you can find out the content type that gets the most traffic.

Let’s say you have a tech website and you publish all kinds of topics like product reviews of the latest smartphones, tutorials about fixing bugs, and latest news about tech gadgets.

But from the report of top landing pages, you see that product reviews get more traffic than tutorials or news. So, you can create similar content to attract visitors and increase your website traffic.

And if you want to know which type of content works the best, go to the Dimensions report in MonsterInsights.

Here you can see that one of the post type is recipes. So, if you have a food blog, you know which type of content your visitors are looking for and you can create similar content.

popular post type

3. Plug the Leaks in Your Content

Do you know why people leave your website?

Some are hitting the back button, sure. But many others are clicking on external links to other websites.

Do you know which external links on your website are getting the most clicks?

If you’re using the default Google Analytics tracking code, there’s no way to know. But MonsterInsights automatically tracks your outbound links for you – no code needed.


This is incredibly valuable data. When you can see exactly where your visitors are leaving your site, you can easily plug the leaks.

For example, in the screenshot above, a lot of people are leaving the site to watch a video. What if you just embedded that video in the page itself?

You might be thinking – sure, this is a great tip, but how does it drive traffic to my website?

This is actually a great way to get more content ideas. Once you know the content that people are looking for outside your site, you can create a better version on your own site.

Not only will that plug your leaky links and keep existing visitors on your website, but that new content will also attract new visitors who are similar to your existing audience.

4. Identify Existing Content to Repurpose

Do you offer downloads on your website?

Maybe a white paper, PowerPoint presentation, or spreadsheet?

If so, you’re missing out on an incredible opportunity to drive even more traffic to your website.

Default Google Analytics doesn’t, but MonsterInsights can easily track your file downloads of any type.

Once you know your most popular downloads, you can repurpose that same content as a new blog post. Google probably won’t rank your PowerPoint high in search results, but if you put all that information in a blog post, you can start getting search engine traffic to it.

5. Use Google Suggest to Find High-Traffic Blog Posts

Looking for more blog post topics that are likely to get a lot of traffic?

A quick and easy hack for finding keywords and identifying high traffic topics is by looking at the suggestions from Google.

Google suggest are the recommendations that appear as a drop-down when you type in a keyword before hitting enter. These are potential keywords you can use in your content to boost your rankings.

google suggest to boost traffic

For instance, if you type in the search term keyword tool, Google will suggest topics like keyword tool chrome extension. This could be heading you would want to cover in your blog about keyword tools.

6. Look at Related Searches for More Ideas

In addition to Google suggest, you can also look at the related searches offered by the search engine. When you type in a search term and hit enter, scroll to the bottom of the page. You’ll see more related searches by Google.

These also provide excellent keyword ideas that you can use in your content, as people are searching for these topics. They increase your chances of ranking on Google and will help bring in regular traffic to your site.

7. Steal Ideas From Your Competitors

Do you want to stay ahead of the game? Then why not spy on what your competitors are doing and borrow some ideas?

By looking into what others in the industry are practicing, you can fine-tune your SEO practices, find the right keywords, and discover backlink opportunities.

To steal your competitor’s practices, we suggest investing in paid SEO tools and plugins. There are many options you can use, but the top two recommendations are of SEMrush and Ahref.

Both are powerful tools for finding insights about your competitors.

In SEMrush, you can paste a URL in its Domain Overview feature and click Search.

SEMrush domain overview

The tool will then give you instant information about the organic keywords, traffic, top-performing content, backlinks, and much more.

Next, you can see the topics your competitors are writing and are getting traffic. Using these topics, you can create a post on your website and steal their traffic.

You can also see the top organic keywords reports of your competitor. By using these keywords, you can increase your website traffic from search engines. Simply add them to your existing pages or create new posts around the keywords.

semrush top competitor keywords

And if you’re into running paid advertisements (PPC), then SEMrush also gives you valuable insights about your competitors’ ads. You can pick their top paid keywords and look at the live display of their ads.

Using the data, you can create ads that perform better and drive more traffic to your website.

semrush comptitors ads

8. Create Geo-Targeted Content

To increase traffic, you can start by looking at the countries from where most visitors visit your website. By identifying these regions, you can create content and offerings to attract more people to your website.

You can find the location of your website visitors by looking at your MonsterInsights reports. Go to Insights and then Reports. In the Overview report, scroll down and you’ll see the top 10 countries that bring in the most traffic.

identify Countries That Bring in the Most Traffic

Using the data from MonsterInsights reports, you can create content that appeals to visitors from your top regions.

For instance, if you have a food blog, you can create content for users from the United States, like 15 restaurants to try when you’re in New York. Or if you write about web hosting and get a lot of visitors from India, you can write about the best Indian web hosting companies.

By writing posts for your specific audience, you have a better chance of attracting visitors and increasing your website traffic.

Optimization Hacks: Get More Traffic From Your Existing Content

Do you have plenty of great content on your blog, but struggle to get traffic to it?

Optimizing your content to rank high in search engines is a smart way to drive more traffic to your website, without having to create all new content. Unlike with paid ads, search engine traffic only grows over time. Plus, besides the time you invest in your content, it’s free.

Let’s look at some smart marketing hacks for getting more traffic from Google.

9. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines Using All in One SEO

After finding new topic ideas and identifying top keywords, you should optimize your existing pages, so they rank higher on search engines.

And a simple hack is to use the WordPress plugin, All in One SEO. It’s a powerful plugin that lets you optimize your pages in real-time.

all in one seo wordpress plugin

To find which pages to optimize, you can look at the Publishers and Custom Dimensions Report by MonsterInsights.

In the Publishers report, you can find which content pages have the best average duration, visits, and bounce rate. Now, scroll down the report and see which content pieces are not doing so well. Pick these pages for SEO optimization.

see top landing pages in wordpress

Another MonsterInsights report you can use to find pages for optimization is its Custom Dimensions report. Look at the most popular categories on your website. It will give you an idea about which content categories you should select for optimization.

popular post type

Next, to optimize your webpages, install and activate the All in One SEO plugin. Then edit any existing post or page. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find the AIOSEO Settings widget.

Click on Focus Keyphrase and then enter your keyword. You can also enter additional keywords in the section below if you want.

enter focus keyphrase all in one seo

The plugin will then analyze your content and check if the focus keyphrase is missing from the content. It will then give you suggestions to improve SEO optimization of your page.

focus keyphrase score and suggestions for improvement

For instance, it might suggest increasing keyword density, outbound links, internal links, adding keywords to your meta title and description, SEO title width, and more.

By analyzing high-value pages on your website, you can improve their search engine rankings and drive traffic to your website.

10. Focus Your Optimization on the Right Content

Did you know that 92% of all searchers ONLY click results from the first page?

traffic hack - move to first page

If you’re looking for ways to grow your website traffic, you should know that moving from the 2nd page to the 1st for your target keywords will make a huge difference.

How do you know what page your content is ranking on? You can use Google Search Console reports to see the keywords your users use to find your website, and what position you rank for those keywords.

From there, you’ll know which pages you should focus on optimizing in order to get more traffic to your website.

To identify the top keywords, you can use MonsterInsights Search Console report. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Insights » Reports and then click Search Console from the top.


For each keyword, you can see the clicks, impressions, CTR (click-through-rate) and average position.

Using the average position for each keyword, you can see where they are ranking on Google. You can then optimize the lower-ranking keywords to improve your rankings and boost your site’s traffic. Content that’s already ranking on the 2nd page of search results usually doesn’t take too much work to reach the 1st page – and it will get a LOT more clicks there.

Follow our tutorial if you want to learn how to set up your WordPress website with Google search console.

11. Improve CTR By Using Power Words in Your Headlines

Did you know that if your headline is 6 – 8 words, it can increase your click-through-rate (CTR) by 21%? Amazing, isn’t it?

You can look up CTR of your website pages in search console reports in MonsterInsights. And then see which post is performing the best and which needs optimization.


Then to improve CTR, you can add power words in your headlines. These are words that spark an emotional response and persuade users to click on your link.

For instance, in the below image, power words like ridiculous, simple, and less than, make the headline attractive and will lure visitors to click on the URL.

power words to increase traffic and ctr

You can check out these 700+ power words to increase your website’s CTR and boost traffic.

And to make sure that your titles contain power words, you can run through the MonsterInsights headline analyzer tool. Just get hold of MonsterInsights Plus or higher plan and get instant feedback in your WordPress editor. Look for words to make your copy is attractive and check the character count.

power words headline analyzer 2power words headline analyzer

12. Add FAQs to Address Common Questions

Another marketing hack to increase organic website traffic is to add People also ask questions on your content.

As you enter a topic in Google, you’ll see a list of questions (usually 4 at a time) shown by the search engine. The number of questions increases as you click on any one of them.

people also ask keyword research

Using these questions is a great way of driving traffic to your site. You can use them as subheadings if you’re writing a new article. But the easiest way to add these to your existing content is by adding a Frequently Asked Questions section at the end.

Make sure to state the question exactly as it appears in search, and then answer the question in a simple and brief way directly after.

If your content appears as answers to these questions, you will see an immediate increase in traffic.

13. Use LSI Keywords in Your Content

Another marketing hack to boost search engine rankings and increase your traffic is to use LSI keywords in your content.

LSI or latent semantic indexing keywords are words or phrases Google’s algorithm uses to understand the quality and relevance of user’s search terms.

For example, if you search for the best burgers, Google will look for words like a beef patty, crispy chicken, jalapeno, tomatoes, cheese, fries, and lettuce. These are words used in the top search results and help the search engine match what users are searching for.

You can find LSI keywords for your blogs by using free online tools like Answer the Public and LSI Graph. A premium tool like SEMrush will give you more tailored suggestions based on what’s already ranking in Google.

Just enter the search term and these tools will bring up a ton of results. Then use these words and phrases throughout your content to rank higher and get more traffic to your site.

14. Optimize Your Content for Google Search Snippets

Another great optimization marketing hack we have for you is optimizing your content for Google search snippets.

A featured snippet is a search response shown at the top of a search engine results page that contains a summary of the answer taken from the page.

The results from featured snippets vary depending on industry and query, but some research shows a 10% increase in traffic (from 20% to 30%) and a 6% increase in click-through rates (from 2% to 8%). That’s pretty amazing!

You can optimize for featured snippets by using keyword research, SEO, formatting, and monitoring the results over time. Read more tips on how to optimize for featured snippets here.

15. Increase Your Website Loading Speed with CDNs

There is nothing more frustrating than a slow-loading website. It’s a big turn off for your users if they open your website and it doesn’t open in time. They’re most likely to hit the back button and not recommend your website to others.

That’s why you should use a CDN or content delivery network to boost your website’s load time. A CDN has its network of servers and minimizes the distance between your user and your site’s server.

how does a CDN work

It delivers the content of your website quickly to anyone trying to access your website. CDNs not only improve user experience but also gives good signals to search engines, which means improved rankings and more traffic.

Here’s a tutorial on how you can install and set up a CDN on your WordPress website.

16. Consider Adding AMP Compatibility

Is your website mobile optimized? No? Then you’re missing out on a lot of traffic.

Mobile is an important part of today’s digital marketing strategy. Even Google has gone mobile-first in its ranking algorithm.

With the increasing use of mobile and people consuming more content on their smartphones, your website should provide great user-experience on mobile devices.

A useful hack to make sure you don’t lose any mobile traffic is to implement AMP or accelerated mobile pages on your site.

Although it isn’t the best option for everyone, as it removes some of the features of your website to speed up the load time of your webpages on mobile.

But it does provide a better mobile experience for users. Using an AMP WordPress plugin, you can enhance your mobile website experience. This increases your chances of ranking on search engines and attract visitors.

You can follow our step by step guide to add Google AMP to your WordPress website.

Viral Traffic Hacks: Encourage Social Sharing

Another great source of traffic besides search engines is good old fashioned social sharing: getting your visitors to share your content with their friends, family, and followers.

If you can convince enough people to share your stuff, you just might go viral!

Here’s how…

17. Create a Viral Giveaway to Attract Visitors

Giveaways are a great marketing hack for increasing your website traffic. You can create contests and offer rewards to visitors for their participation.

Giveaways not only generate user engagement, but they also help you increase your email subscribers and promote your brand.

There are many giveaway tools that you can use to build a campaign, but the most user-friendly and lightweight plugin is RafflePress.

It’s the best WordPress giveaway plugin to create beautiful giveaways thanks to its drag and drop builder.


To encourage your visitors to share the giveaway, you can ask them to…

  • Follow you on Twitter or Pinterest
  • Refer a friend with a special link
  • Tweet a specific message
  • Visit you on Facebook or Instagram
  • …and more

For each action, they’ll get additional entries in your giveaway. You can even allow daily entries to get even more viral traffic!

You can follow our detailed guide to learn how to create a giveaway using RafflePress.

18. Create Polls and Send a Press Release to Increase Traffic

By creating polls, you can increase user engagement. Keeping users engaged is important for bringing in regular traffic to your site, as people like interacting with brands.

But what type of polls should you create? And how can you drive traffic from them?

One company found that running Twitter polls doubled their engagement and increased their web traffic. First, they selected a topic that was relevant to their business.

But to make it appeal to everyone, they looked up trending hashtags and added them to the tweets to increase its reach.

Using the results from the poll, they created a content piece. Then to promote it, they sent out a press release. As a result, their piece of content was picked up in Google News and other high traffic websites.

You could do the same to grow your website traffic. Just create a poll using a WordPress plugin like WPForms on your website or run it on a social media platform.

Then create content using the Twitter poll and use free press release websites like PR.com to promote your content.

19. Add Quizzes on Your Website

One way to get an instant boost of traffic is to add games to your website. But which type of games should you add to grow your website traffic?

Quizzes are the hottest type of games you can run on your website. They can quickly go viral on social media and flood your website with traffic. Buzzfeed is probably the best example when it comes to creating viral quizzes.

add quizzes to your website

You can create a quiz using tools like Formidable Forms. It’s a user-friendly tool that you can use to add amazing looking quizzes to your website, make them viral, and increase your traffic.

Here’s an easy guide to learn how to create a quiz in WordPress.

20. Repurpose Your Existing Content for Social Media

One of the problems many content creators face is of coming up with new topic ideas. But what if we told you that there is a marketing hack to drive traffic using your existing website content?

To start, look at the top post/page report by MonsterInsights. Simply go to Insights and then Reports and under the Overview report, scroll down to see your top content. Then, you can repurpose an old piece of content for different channels.

top pages for repurposing

For instance, if you have a blog on 10 tips to clean your car, you can repurpose the content by creating a video tutorial for YouTube or create short videos for Facebook and Instagram.

Next, you can create slides of the tutorial and share it on SlideShare. Another approach could be to turn the content into a podcast. There are unlimited options, and you just need to find the right content type for the channel you’ll be using for promotion.

Promotional Hacks: Reach a Whole New Audience

Have you created an amazing piece of content that you know your audience will love, if you could only get their attention?

Here are a few ways to promote your best content to the right audience so you can drive more traffic to your website.

21. Find Partnership Opportunities from Referral Traffic

By now, you must have read in many places that you should be doing guest posts. That’s true as guest posts help promote your brand, get backlinks from high authority websites, and can drive tons of traffic.

But how do you find which type of content gets you the most backlinks and generates traffic from guest posts?

A simple hack is to use the MonsterInsights plugin. It identifies top referral sources for traffic, so you’ll know what sites are already sending you traffic and which type of content to produce and pitch.

To view the report, go to your MonsterInsights plugin from the WordPress dashboard. Then click on Insights » Reports. In the Overview reports, scroll down and see Top 10 Referrals.

Once you have this list, you can research these sites and similar ones to see if they accept guest posts, and pitch similar topics that they’re already linking to.

If you want to learn more about guest blogging, check out this ultimate guide.

22. Find Popular Forums and Participate to Drive Traffic

Another marketing hack to grow your traffic is to actively participate in forums. If you’re just starting out and don’t have many followers, then forums are a great way of driving traffic to your website.

Now, there are many types of forums you can join, but it all depends on your industry. Some popular forums like Quora and Reddit cover numerous topics and you’re most likely to find your niche easily.

But if you’re finding it hard to find a forum for your topic, you can try entering forum+[your topic] in Google. It will bring up different forums results relevant to your topic.

forums to drive traffic

Once you’ve found the forums, start participating and become an active member to build a profile. Then, share relevant links as a solution to answers in the forum to drive traffic to your website.

But do remember to follow the rules of the forum or risk getting banned.

Some forums even let you create original content. You can write a post and link your website as a source. This will not only get you traffic but also help you get a backlink for your website.

23. Go on a Podcast as a Guest

If you’re looking to build a healthy community and create relationships with your audience, then podcasts are a great option. They can attract visitors, help build and promote a brand, and make you an influencer.

The beauty of podcasts is that they can be on anything. But creating a podcast, attracting listeners, and then managing it takes time. To get an instant boost in traffic, a simpler marketing hack is to go on other’s podcasts as a guest.

To go on a podcast, the first thing you’ll need to do is find podcasts that your audience would listen too. You can visit different platforms like iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play and search your topic to find podcasts.

Next, visit the website of each podcast and find their email addresses. They’re usually available in the contact us section or you can visit the social media page of the podcast host to get in touch.

Then draft an email and pitch the podcast hosts. In the email, tell them how interesting their podcast was and how you can contribute to their podcast as a guest.

go on a podcast as guest

You can also add your experiences and stories in the email to make them interesting. For instance, you can include things like how you grew your revenue by 105% or using this simple hack we tripled our user engagement.

After sending the email, you can follow up (politely) if you don’t get a response.

By continuing this practice and appearing on multiple podcasts, you can start building an audience, establish yourself as an expert on a topic, and promote your website to grow your traffic.

Another benefit of going on other podcasts is that you get a mention or a free backlink in the podcast notes. This sends a good signal to search engines, which then boosts your rankings.

24. Instantly Attract Visitors Through Push Notifications

Push notifications are clickable messages displayed on your user’s desktop or mobile. They are a great hack for bringing instant traffic to your website.

These notifications appear when users are not visiting your website. You don’t even require them to open their browsers. It instantly notifies them of a new post you wrote or an amazing deal on your website.

push notification

Since push notifications require permission from visitors, it means they’re interested in your website and what you’re offering. So, there is a high chance they’ll click on your push notifications.

There are many tools that you can use to run push notifications, like PushEngage. You can follow this simple step-by-step guide to learn how to add push notifications to your WordPress site.

25. Run an Email Campaign to Promote New Content

Email marketing is a strong tool to have in your toolkit to increase traffic on your website. Emails help you connect with your audience. You can inform them about new products, latest releases, updates, or new content you published.

You can start by sending out emails to your subscribers. These are people who opted or agreed to receive marketing messages. So, you have a better chance of getting a good open rate and attracting visitors.

example of what is a email newsletter

There are many email marketing tools you can use to run an email campaign. But we suggest you use Constant Contact. It’s a user-friendly tool, and with the help of its drag and drop builder, you can create and send amazing emails in bulk.

You can follow our easy guide to learn how to use Constant Contact and run an email campaign.

26. Display Social Share Counts on Your Posts

Another marketing hack to show social proof and boost your traffic is by displaying share counts of your posts. It helps in building credibility and showing the popularity of your posts.

Social share counts show the number of shares your content received and include social buttons for different platforms.

It also encourages visitors to share your post on their social media, and as a result, you get more traffic and followers.

social share counts marketing hack

A simple tool to display social buttons and count is by using a WordPress plugin called Share Counts. It’s easy to use and implement on your website. And with its wide range of customization options, you can select how you want to display social share buttons.

27. Create Videos on Facebook to Get More Engagement

Facebook is the leading social media platform and gets 8 billion video views daily. This shows that if you’re going to promote your brand or website on Facebook, you’re better of creating a video. You can create simple videos using any device or software and upload it on your page to get engagement.

Facebook also reports that users spend 3x longer watching live videos than normal videos. Live videos are even easier to run as you can use your smartphone or laptop to start a live stream from anywhere.

facebook videos are more popular

To drive traffic to your website from Facebook videos, do remember to include a call to action. You add the link to your site in the description and ask the viewers to click on it for more information.

28. Answer Questions on Facebook With Your Relevant Content

Comments play a huge role in how successful you are in promoting your content on Facebook. It’s a big part of its algorithm. And it means more comments you generate, more reach you’ll get.

A great way of generating more comments is by asking questions in your replies. And to direct traffic from comments to your website, you can post links to relevant and useful guides to user’s questions.

For instance, if a user comments on your Facebook post about WordPress, you can reply to their query and leave a question at the end, like which is your favorite WordPress theme? If the followers reply, where can they find free themes, you can give them one your guides as a solution.

This creates engagement and more users will participate in the discussion. What happens as a result is that your Facebook post gets attention, and you can get more traffic to your website.

29. Spy on Your Competitors for Facebook Ads

If you’re running Facebook ads, but they’re not attracting engagement or converting visitors, then spy on what your competitors are doing.

To find out information about your competitor’s ads, go to their Facebook page. On the right side, you’ll see the Page Transparency box. Click See All to expand the box.

Facebook ads marketing hack

Next, click on Go to Ad Library to see the advertisements your competitor is running.

Facebook ads marketing hack ad library

Facebook will list all the ads, and then using the funnel on the right, you can filter them based on Language, Platform, Media Type, and Impressions by Date. You can then use this information to create ads of your own to get traffic, conversions, and engagement.

30. Promote Content on YouTube Within the First 24 Hours

After Facebook, YouTube is the leading social media platform. There are nearly 2 billion active users on YouTube as of July 2019. The statistics show the importance of having a YouTube channel for your business.


That said, the first 24 hours for your video are very important. When you upload a video, it will rank immediately on YouTube. But, if you want it to stay at the top, you need instant engagement like views, comments, and likes.

To do that, promote your video as soon as it’s live. Send out an email blast to your subscribers, run a push notification, share the video on other social platforms, and use automated messenger bots to promote your video.

31. Ask Influencers to Write and Share a Testimonial

If you haven’t tried influencer marketing, then trust us, you’re missing out. Influencers can kick-start your website and give a boost in traffic.

And a great marketing hack to do that is to include testimonials from influencers on your site and ask them to share it with their followers.

marketing hack influencer testimonials

To get testimonials, look for influencers in your market that people trust and follow. You can filter influencers by searching your niche on social media channels like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Then look at the number of followers for each influencer and their recent activity.

After finding the right influencers, approach them to try your products for free and write a testimonial.

You can then include these testimonials on your website and ask them to share the page on their social accounts.

A single tweet by an influencer containing a link to your website can bring in thousands of visitors within minutes.

32. Find Quora Threads on the First Page and Write an Answer

As we pointed out earlier, forums can be super quick way of generating traffic to your website.

To further fine-tune your forum finding skills, a simple marketing hack is to find Quora threads or questions that rank in the top 10 results on Google.

Since these threads are on the first page, they are most likely to get a lot of traffic. And if your answer is in that thread, with a link to your website, you can generate tons of traffic.

But do note, you’ll need an SEO tool to find these questions. For our demonstration, we’ll be using Ahrefs.

The first thing you’ll need to do is go to Site Explorer in Ahrefs and enter the URL and click search.

ahrefs site explorer

Then from the menu on your left-hand side, click Organic keywords.

Next, you’ll be given a list of keywords. Click on Position to sort them from ascending to descending (to find pages that are on the first page).

You can also include keywords to filter topics and find a question on Quora that’s relevant to your business.

ahrefs organic keywords list to find top threads

After you’re done identifying the top questions, you can then simply write an answer and include a link to your website to grow your traffic.

And that’s it! Now you know how to drive traffic to your website.

Using these marketing hacks, you can generate loads of traffic, convert them into leads, and build a strong brand presence in the market.

We hope you liked our article on marketing hacks guaranteed to grow your traffic.

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for more helpful Google Analytics tips.

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  1. Super helpful article. I see some really great ways to grow my traffic and potentially increase my subscriber list. Answering Quora threads, Facebook questions, and FAQs seems to be a unique and less-used tool I am planning to try. I also appreciated the links to some other helpful info like power words and Answer the Public. Interesting contrast between Google Analytics and Monster Insights.

  2. Great ideas. I personally love and use Push Notification and Email Newsletter.

    Now I’m working on repurposing and planning to go on Podcasts as a guest.

    Thanks for these awesome hacks! ✌️?

  3. We’ve gone all out and bought MonsterInsights Pro and Semrush Pro. We are barely scratching the surface of what we can do with them. Do you have any suggestions on how to pair the insights from MI to semrush, and how they compliment each other?

  4. I find this very interesting especially number 2 and 7. I recently started applying get tags in my instagram and the results are amazing. As for looking at my competitors, I do that almost all the time but I try as much as possible to not copy them rather, I learn something very useful and apply them to me..

  5. Wow so much great info thank you!
    This will be a great help for my new site, bookmarked ready and your plug in is on my wish list!

  6. I am just starting out with my own website and I didn’t know about most of these tips. I found this article really useful and have bookmarked the page!

  7. Great article! These are all very useful ideas. I have yet to try the majority of them. I think a really simple one this article mentioned in the participation in forums. I will start with this today. Thank you!

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  8. You have definitely done your homework. Very interesting and I always say
    “Work it, and it’ll work for you.”

  9. I am currently using another insight plugin, and changing it with Monsterinsight right now, after reading this article..

  10. MonsterInsights has always been helpful. I’ve always had trouble with establishing partnerships so this was informative!

  11. Thank you for this article. I am intrigued by RafflePress and how it can increase followers and visitors to more than one social media page just by making them steps to getting a prize. This is a way to consolidate efforts and is a win-win for my business and my followers!

  12. You have a lot of great content in this post. I especially liked #4. Identify Existing Content to Repurpose. I think that is a great suggestion.

  13. Thanks Monsterinsights for this
    I’ve actually been looking for this for a while
    Really helped me out
    Thanks a lot.

  14. This marketing trick for the contest is a great hack for growing your traffic, thanks for the great idea 😉

  15. Wow! It is very comprehensive. Some tips are straightforward to implement and can create a big change.

  16. So much helpful info with real meat to it! It’s encouraging to know I already have started some of these hacks… will certainly make use of most, if not all, of them! This is a great resource.

  17. That’s some serious info! Using power words in the headline is a must and taking ideas from competitors is standard market research 🙂

  18. I’m delighted to learn these valuable marketing hacks from you Aazim. Will surely try to implement your strategies & see how it works.

  19. Hey team, I have already implemented most of the methods for my website using MonsterInsights. Finding some good results.

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. Thank you for these helpful informative tips. I am new to eCommerce and still have a lot to learn about the business, and how to analyze my results and performance on my store. This info will help me for sure.

  21. Thanks for sharing these ideas. I’ve been using social media and I’m working hard on improving my SEO strategies. I will also start participating in online forums.

  22. Wow,
    You really said it all.
    This content is very indepth and helpful.
    I’ll like to read more from you.

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