Push Notification Marketing Guide for WordPress

Push Notification Marketing for WordPress: Quick-Start Guide

Thinking about trying push notification marketing as part of your marketing strategy, or already doing it and looking for more ideas? Push notification marketing is a pretty new strategy compared to other tried-and-true methods, but it’s very quickly becoming a really effective way to market new content, services, products, and more.

In other words, you’re ahead of the game for getting started with push notifications, and we’re glad you’re here!

In this article, we’ll talk about what push notifications really are, how to set them up on WordPress, what types of notifications there are, when you should use them, and more.

What is Push Notification Marketing?

Push notification marketing is sending marketing messages to your subscribers through a notification on their phone or desktop. Push notifications can be sent to audience segments (different lists of contacts), just like email. However, instead of sitting in your subscribers’ inboxes, they pop up right on their desktops or phones.

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Because of the ability to get right in front of subscribers, push notification click-through and conversion rates are often higher than email, making them a must-try marketing tactic.

Types of Push Notifications

There are two different types of push notifications: mobile and web.

  1. Mobile push notifications are the notifications we’re all used to getting on our mobile devices. They come from the apps we have installed on our phones.
  2. Web push notifications arrive as pop-ups on our desktops, and they’re sent through our web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.). You have to opt-in to web push notifications in order to receive them.

In the rest of our article, we’re going to talk about web push notifications that you can send to subscribers through your WordPress website.

When to Use Push Notifications in WordPress

When you choose to send push notifications will depend a lot on what type of website you have, but we’ll go over some of the best scenarios to use push notifications for all WordPress sites.

1. For Cart Abandonment

The average, internet-wide cart abandonment rate is nearly 70%. That’s a HUGE number of people who put items into carts, then leave without checking out. Thankfully, push notifications can help you get some of that traffic back and buying!

With push notifications, you can remind users what they abandoned in their carts, and even send them a coupon for it.

Abandoned cart push notification marketing

2. To Broadcast New Content

Publishers, do you need an easy way to inform followers that you’ve published something new? Social media updates will reach only a small portion of your followers, but push notifications can reach more. Set up an automatic RSS feed push notification, or create notifications with custom text, images, and personalization for those important content pieces.

You can also let your audience self-segment by including checkboxes in your signup popup. Let your audience subscribe just to the type of content that they want and watch your click-through rates soar.

Self-segmenting - push notification marketing tactic

3. To Onboard New Subscribers

When someone first signs up for push notifications, you can have an automatic drip campaign set up for them to go through that introduces them to your content, your business, or your products. It’s a really easy way to help new subscribers discover what you offer!

Push Notification Drip Campaign

4. To Promote Sales, Specials, or Events

Push notifications are awesome for promoting timely things, like sales, specials, and events. Keep your audience informed and drive more sales, revenue, or sign-ups!

Cart Abandonment Coupon Push Notification marketing

5. For Just About Anything

We haven’t even scratched the surface of what you can do with push notifications, especially with custom triggers and targeting. You can create notifications that’ll pop up based on what a user clicked on (or didn’t click on), what was added to their carts, if they browsed a certain section of your website, and much more.

WordPress Push Notification Marketing Plugin

The best WordPress push notification plugin to use for all the tactics we just went over is PushEngage.

pushengage best push notification software

We love PushEngage because of its powerful features, and its consistent releases with new and updated capabilites. Stay at the forefront of everything that’s possible with push notifications!

Some of the features we love are:

  • Customizable opt-ins
  • Cart abandonment notifications
  • Personalization
  • Segmentation
  • Automatic drip campaigns
  • A/B testing

Using PushEngage, you can segment your audience and send them the right messages at the right time.

For more on setting up and using PushEngage on WordPress, check out How to Set Up WordPress Push Notifications in 5 Minutes or Less.

Get started with Push Engage now.

BONUS: Easily Track Push Notification Clicks

When you install PushEngage and start getting visits to your site from your push notifications, how will you know if that traffic to your website is converting?

The best way to find out is to use MonsterInsights, the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress, and the URL builder tool you’ll get along with it.

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It allows you to easily connect your WordPress site with Google Analytics, so you can view all the data that matters most right in your WordPress dashboard.

MonsterInsights Home Dashboard

Plus, with the click of a button, you can set up sophisticated tracking features such as event tracking, eCommerce tracking, form tracking, custom dimension tracking, outbound link tracking, and much more.

You’ll also get the MonsterInsights URL builder tool right inside your WordPress dashboard. Build the trackable URLs you need to use in PushEngage to find out what your push notification traffic is doing on your website.

MonsterInsights URL Builder

For more on the URL builder and tracking clicks from push notifications, check out A Beginners Guide to UTM Parameters (And How to Use Them).

That’s it!

We hope you liked our article on push notification marketing in WordPress. You might also like 32 Marketing Hacks Guaranteed to Grow Your Traffic.

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