How to Install the Dashboard Widget

Last Updated on Mar 15, 2022

Do you want to know how to install the MonsterInsights dashboard widget? We released the MonsterInsights dashboard widget in MonsterInsights version 7.1.0. This guide will show you how to install the dashboard widget.

The MonsterInsights Dashboard Widget

If you’ve got a version of MonsterInsights lower than version 7.1.0, then you’ll need to upgrade to the latest version to gain access to the new dashboard widget.

The MonsterInsights comes bundled with any tier of the paid plugin, so no separate installation is needed.

Quite a lot of stats are visible in the dashboard widget but note that some of these are dependent on your plan, i.e., the eCommerce addon (available in the Pro tier) needs to be installed to track see the eCommerce stats in the dashboard widget.

That’s it! Now you know how to install the MonsterInsights dashboard widget! Do you need to hide the widget? Then see our guide on How to Disable the MonsterInsights Dashboard Widget.